I have dedicated over 15 years of my life to designing for various disciplines, including packaging, mobile, digital (including UX/UI), logo and branding, color theory, and events (both digital and physical). This is where my mark comes from. The Ampersand - "AND" represents what's next, what else can I learn, what else can I do.

I have been fortunate enough to work for large companies such as Braze, ServiceNow, and TRX Training, as well as contracting for niche companies such as Landline Home in San Francisco and Green Chile Kitchen Restaurant Group USA. Brands like Landline Home and Green Chile Kitchen are customers of companies such as Braze, ServiceNow, and TRX Training for customer engagement, tech support, and mind/body. Both types of companies require comprehensive design strategies, and having worked with niche brands has given me the insight needed to focus strategies for your brand, and vice versa.

My work throughout my career reflects in having been involved in these various projects, from rebooting the Fitness Anywhere to the new TRX Training and leading the creation of award-winning event strategies at ServiceNow.

For me, design and art direction have always been focused on people. At ServiceNow, with a diligent marketing strategy and a well-educated design team, we defined the importance of true creatives and focused on the importance of employees and customers when putting together a strategy.

To sum up, my passion lies in designing for people!

Like all of us creative weirdos, I consider myself to be artistically fluid. Believing that beauty can be found in everything, whenever I feel the urge I start painting, collaging, or illustrating my thoughts. This helps me to relax and provides me with a creative outlet that I don't fully understand but appreciate nonetheless. I see it as a way to learn more about myself as a human being and creative.

I like to call it my visual and creative namasté.

Some of these designs are or will be available on my etsy page for purchase. Take a look>

By the way, have you ever spent a lot of time on something, only to realize it wasn't worth it in the end? Well, I haven't. Everything you work on is always worth it, and learning is the true sign of growth.